Feast of Pentecost

Typically, the Feast of Pentecost is held 50 days, seven weeks plus one day, or when the harvest is done, and people can enjoy the foods that have been grown. As with all Jewish holidays, it has meaning. It is a holiday that can reveal how God works with humanity and provides for the future.

The Importance of Shavuot

ShavuotIt is during this celebration, which is also called, “Shavuot” that people think about one of the greatest events in history; God’s revealing of the law, which happened at Mount Sinai. The first Pentecost happened after Jesus was resurrected. God poured out His Holy Spirit on 120 believers and they began speaking in tongues after a burst of very strong wind filled the house where they were sitting.

The Firstfruits

firstfruitsYou will often hear of the firstfruits. They are the first agricultural products to mature and ripen and God uses them as an analogy throughout the Bible. They represent his salvation and they are planted during the Days of Unleavened Breads. The Pentecost happens when the firstfruits are ready for harvesting. It provides for us as God has always provided for those who trust in him.